Welcome to Foundation Financial Advice

Personal Insurance


The most effective Risk Protection to financially protect you, your family and your Wealth is through Insurance. Insurance is essential for anyone who has a family, as well as those who have assets and debts. It offers peace of mind that your family will be looked after and your bills paid, if the unexpected occurs.

It’s likely you insure your mobile phone through home and contents or your car. At Foundation Financial Advice we help our clients to protect their biggest asset, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

Insurance is not just to protect your family or loved ones in the event of your passing away, but also allows you to maintain your home, financial position and lifestyle if you are seriously ill, have an accident, are disabled or are unable to for an extended period time due to sickness. Think about your monthly expenditure? All the costs you pay, children or people who rely on you for financial support, maybe your employees in the case of Business Insurance.

What would happen for even a few months, let alone years to those people family members, spouse, siblings, anyone who relies on you? Or a lifetime without that income? This may have a dramatic impact on your financial situation and could cripple your financial position. Insurance Planning ensures you are NOT in this position.

We Help if over and under insured?

Many people make the mistake of under-valuing themselves and as such under-insuring themselves, naïve in the sense that nothing will ever happen to them. It is also possible to pay too much in premiums for insurance, particularly in retirement, when debt free, have no dependent financial children or have accrued a high net asset position – we also help clients to reduce or cancel their cover too when they have too much or they don’t need it.

At Foundation Financial Advice our Solutions for Risk Protection; whether personal, family, wealth or business protection are tailored and bespoke to your specific unique needs and cashflow.

​Foundation Financial Advice recommend a range of insurance options, only when suitable, to cater to your needs, including:

​Life Cover Insurance
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
Income Protection
Trauma Protection

We also secure insurance as part of our Debt Protection (and recycling if appropriate) to protect any liabilities so they are covered in the even of a claim. Whether a mortgage, gearing or investment purposes, personal loans, SMSF and Business loans or credit cards. Foundation Financial Advice will provide you with an affordable rational and efficient insurance solution, which will be structured in the most tax-effective manner.

We evaluate whole of market solutions so you get the best policies. Importantly clients of Financial Foundation Advice can be confident that we are not limited to just current policies, we can also compare old discontinued life insurance policies so you can make an informed choice.

​Want to know more? Simply enter your details in the contact us section of the homepage, give us a call or make an online booking. At Foundation Financial Advice we strive to provide our clients with the optimum Risk Protection Planning so you can sleep easy at night know you and your family are protected.

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